Welcome Back, Roxanne
25/02/20 11:43
Roxanne is back to do interesting things with heterometallic complexes. She'll be with us for the next few months working on self-assembled systems
Good Luck, James
25/02/20 11:43
James is off to start a postdoc in Prof. Mike Ward's lab at the University of Warwick. We'll miss him :)
First REDOx=KCL meeting
20/02/20 12:16
We've got the programme grant off to a flying start with a one day meeting hosted by Phil Blower at St Thomas' Hospital. Loads ideas and lots to do….. watch this space.
Welcome, Xiaofan
15/01/20 11:45
Xiaofan is just starting her DPhil, and will be working on making and studying complexes for imaging the central nervous system.